
情感支持动物被定义为为患有精神健康相关残疾的个人提供使用和享受住房的平等机会所必需的动物. 没有无障碍资源和住房的明确批准,学生不得在赌博正规的十大网站的住房中拥有情感支持动物 & Residential Experience.

请联系无障碍资源,了解学院情感支持动物指南的完整信息, 包括要求在大学宿舍里养一只情感支持动物,并证明这是必要的.

Approved emotional support animals:
  • 只允许在学生指定的住房空间,并且在无人看管的情况下必须在学生房间内进行板条箱或笼子
  • 不允许在学生宿舍的公共区域或任何其他学院建筑(如.g., libraries, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, Worner Campus Center)
  • 在学生房间外时,必须在动物笼中或由适当的挽具或短皮带控制
  • 不得在不合理的时间内无人看管地留在学生房间, as appropriate for the animal
  • 如果学生离开学院宿舍一晚或更长时间,是否可以留在校园宿舍
  • 除了被批准作为情感支持动物的学生之外,不能由其他个人在校园内照顾吗
  • 在学校的情感支持动物指导方针中,有违反学生责任的行为, 例如确保适当清理动物的粪便(注意:固体废物-包括垃圾-必须放置在坚固的地方, securely tied bags before being disposed of in outside trash dumpsters.)
  • the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others
  • other situations arise that negatively impact the campus environment
A note regarding documentation for emotional support animals:

越来越多的在线服务提供对情感支持动物进行认证或以固定价格编写情感支持动物文件. There is no formal, recognized certification of emotional support animals, 通过这些服务获得的信件很少会提供必要的信息来支持在校园住房中拥有情感支持动物的请求. 因此,这些信件通常不被视为可靠的信息来源.

Additionally, 与学生没有建立关系的精神卫生保健专业人员的文件可能不被认为是可靠的, as those providers may not be sufficiently familiar with the student, the student’s disability, and the need for an emotional support animal.

学生 should contact Accessibility Resources 为他们的个人情况所需的文件提供指导.

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《赌博正规的十大网站》(ADA)将服务性动物定义为“经过单独训练为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗”." Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, 使患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的人在焦虑发作时平静下来, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. If an animal meets this definition, 不管它是否获得了州或地方政府或培训计划的许可或认证,它都被认为是服务性动物.

Under Colorado state law HB16-1426 (effective January 2017), 故意将动物歪曲为服务动物是一种犯罪行为, therefore, a violation of the Student Community Standards. 将动物虚假描述为服务性动物可能会导致罚款和/或制裁.

《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》允许服务性动物陪伴残疾人进入科罗拉多大学校园. 必须允许服务性动物在校园内陪伴残疾人,除非在安全可能受到威胁或服务性动物可能干扰正在进行的活动的基本性质的情况下.

The person a service animal assists is referred to as a handler. The handler's disability may not be visible. 如果你不确定一个动物是宠物还是服务性动物,你可以问两个问题:(1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. 其他人, including faculty and staff, cannot ask about the person's disability, require medical documentation, 要求为狗提供特殊的身份证或训练文件, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.

A service dog can be any breed or size. It might wear specialized equipment such as a backpack, 利用, or special collar or leash, but this is not a legal requirement.

  • 允许一只服务性动物在校园里随时随地陪伴训导员, except where service animals are specifically prohibited. 法院支持服务性动物主人将服务性动物带到餐饮服务场所的权利.
  • Do not pet a service animal without first asking permission; touching the animal might distract it from its work.
  • Speak first to the handler.
  • Do not deliberately startle a service animal.
  • Do not feed a service animal.
  • 没有将处理者与服务动物分开或试图分开.
  • 在紧急情况下,应尽一切努力使动物与它的训练员在一起.
The following are requirements of service animals and their handlers:
  • 该动物不能对大学校园内人员的健康和安全构成直接威胁.
  • Local ordinances regarding animals apply to service animals, including requirements for immunization, licensing, 噪音, restraint, at-large animals, and dangerous animals. Dogs must wear a license tag and a current rabies vaccination tag.
  • The handler must be in full control of the animal at all times. Service animals must be 利用ed, 栓着, or tethered, 除非这些设备干扰了服务动物的工作或个人的残疾阻止使用这些设备. In that case, the handler must maintain control of the animal through voice, 信号, or other effective controls.
  • The handler is responsible for cleaning up the animal's feces. 处理者应始终携带足够的设备和袋子来清理和妥善处理动物的粪便. 身体不能捡起和处理粪便的处理人员有责任作出一切必要的协助安排. The College is not responsible for these services.
  • In keeping with appropriate college policies and procedures, 处理者可能会因处理者或服务动物造成的损害而受到指控.
  • 有残疾的学生如果想在校园宿舍里养一只服务性动物,应该咨询无障碍资源.

Please contact Accessibility Resources if you have questions or concerns regarding service animals.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 06/27/2023