
的 科罗拉多大学 环境研究课程 prepares its majors to underst和 their connection to the environment, acquire the skills to explore scientific 和 human interrelationships in the global ecosystem, 并追求跨学科的方法来解决问题. 我们提供两个综合专业 环境科学 和 环境研究,并进行纪律训练 环境化学

的 环境科学 Major的目标如下:

的 环境科学 major prepares students to investigate the Earth system with a particular focus on how humans interact with the environment. 学生 acquire tools from multiple scientific disciplines to solve problems at the interface of society 和 the environment.


  • 学生能够表达,测量/计算,分析和建模:
    • 复杂系统的动力学
    • the flows 和 transformations of energy 和 matter within 和 between each sphere in the Earth System
  • 学生 can utilize quantitative reasoning skills to address societally-relevant environmental problems
  • 学生 can critically analyze the ways in which scientific knowledge is gathered, as well as an appreciation for the historical 和 societal constructs in which it occurs
  • 学生 are able to disseminate scientific knowledge to multiple relevant audiences

的 环境研究 Major的目标如下:

的 环境研究 major prepares students to investigate the complexity of socio-ecological relationships. 学生 use approaches from multiple disciplines across the social sciences, 人文学科, natural sciences to pursue interdisciplinary inquiry 和 problem-solving. 学生将能够清楚地表达机构的方式, 社会, 个人对环境的结果做出反应并塑造环境的结果.


Upon completion of the major, students will be able to articulate the following:

  • 机构如何, 值, 的想法, power relations shape the relationships between humans 和 the biophysical environment
  • 当今社会, 文化, 生态条件是随着时间和空间的变化而变化的
  • 实现更可持续和更公正结果的可能途径

虽然你不需要对你的专业有一个重点领域, 许多学生发现这样做很有用. Below are suggested elective tracks (Note that some of the following electives can also fulfill major requirements; classes cannot be double counted.)

  • 环境正义:EV274, EV276, EV282, SW220, EV375, EV301, EV342
  • 环境政策和管理:EV373, EV341, EV356, EV334, EV323, EV352, EV375, EV342, EV335, EV321
  • Environmental Humanities: EV281, EV282, EV255, EV285, EV273, EV261, EV361, PH303
  • Conservation Ecology: EV209; EV343, EV316, EV309, EV321


In 这个消息


科罗拉多太阳EV315课程A resurgence of grapes in southern Colorado is giving esoteric wines a spotlight 

环境科学 和 环境研究 Professors 和 学生 win Colorado American Planning Association Award

鲸鱼, From Above 的 photographer Sutton Lynch is documenting a dramatic turning point off the coast of Long Isl和 — a resurgence of sea life after decades of depletion.

助理教授 迈克Angstadt 发表了“国内环境法院能否执行国际环境法? 制度分析框架在杂志上 跨国环境法 (2023年7月).

副教授 艾米结束 (历史)今年出版了她的第一本书! 踏上战场:美国边疆上的士兵、自然和帝国 (内布拉斯加大学, 2023) examines the intersection of 的想法 about nature 和 empire in the late nineteenth 和 early twentieth centuries by tracing the ways soldiers in the U.S. 陆军对他们在美国和美国服役的情况都很了解.S. 西方和菲律宾. 沿着这些帝国的道路在太平洋上来回穿梭, Kohout向我们展示了士兵是如何通过他们的文字, 他们的劳动, all that they collected—played a critical role in shaping American 的想法 about both nature 和 empire, 坚持到现在的想法.


23年的Rikki Held (EV Science major) Wins L和mark Lawsuit Regarding Climate Change
周一, a Montana judge ruled in favor of young environmental activists led by 23年的Rikki Held who had raised concerns about the violation of their constitutional right to a clean 和 healthful environment. 的y argued that state agencies were allowing fossil fuel development without adequately considering its impact on the 气候.

这项开创性的裁决 stems from a unique trial, marking the first of its kind in the United States. It joins a limited set of global legal decisions that have established a governmental obligation to safeguard citizens from the consequences of 气候 change.

在这种情况下, District Court Judge Kathy Seeley declared that the state's policy for assessing requests for fossil fuel permits was unconstitutional. This policy currently restricts agencies from evaluating the ramifications of greenhouse gas emissions.

23年的Rikki Held was named to the 2023 TIME100 Next – a list recognizing rising leaders in health, 气候, 艺术,因为她在 v举行. 蒙大拿州, which was the first constitutional 和 the first youth-led 气候 lawsuit to go to trial in the U.S. 点击这里查看她的个人简介 


祝贺EV大四学生 奥利维亚Coutre查理•林奇 他们最近的研究都发表了吗! 

  • 阿,Coutre. (2023). 德克萨斯州爱德华兹含水层的联合水管理实践.水资源报告 228: 11-21.
  • 林奇,C., M. Ferasso (2023). 的 influence of a company’s inherent 值 on its sustainability: Evidence from a born-sustainable SME in the footwear industry. 更清洁及负责任的消费 9: 100124.


助理教授 迈克Angstadt presented “Judicial Innovation 和 Decentralized Environmental Governance: Lessons from 气候 litigation” virtually to the October 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance. 的 initial findings were generated from re搜索 conducted in Spring 2022 with CC students 艾丹戴利 (’22), 会恐慌 (’22), 吉莉安堰, 埃文·拉奥, 同乐会谢伊 (2002年),并与Dr. hyyeyoon Park(瑞典隆德大学). 

第27届联合国气候变化大会在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行! 在这里,你可以找到我们在国外的媒体和学生的报道



副教授 Political Science, Director 环境研究课程 科瑞娜McKendry 与人合编了一本名为城市卡斯卡迪亚与环境正义的追求.” 城市卡斯卡迪亚与环境正义的追求


环境教育教授 霍华德Drossman has received a lifetime achievement award from the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education.






报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/14/2024